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ACCESS Winnipeg West building

ACCESS Winnipeg West

Health and Social Services Program Descriptions

Following are brief descriptions of health and social services that are offered at access Winnipeg West:

Access Winnipeg West Walk-in Connected Care Clinic

The Walk-in Connected Care Clinic is located in Access Winnipeg West at 280 Booth and is connected to the Grace Hospital, and can help with non-emergency issues. The clinic is staffed by Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners who can diagnose and treat minor health issues for any resident with a valid Manitoba health card.

The Extended Hours Walk-in Clinic is open 7 days a week and no appointment is necessary.

Hours are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday – 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, Sunday and Recognized Holidays – 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Patients can go to the Walk-in Connected Care Clinic for issues identified below:

  • Cold, flu, nasal congestion, hay fever, cough, chest congestion
  • Ear injury, ear ache, ear wax impaction, ringing in the ears
  • Dental/gum problems
  • Frostbite/cold minor injury
  • Minor stomach ailments
  • Genital discharge/lesions
  • Menstrual problems
  • Back pain
  • Joint swelling
  • Abrasions, sting, rash, wound check, dressing change, stitches and stich/staple removal
  • Minor Burns
  • Pregnancy Tests
  • Skin Infections
  • Breast pain
  • Pap tests (AWW Walk-in Connected Care Clinic is a Cervix Check Partner)

Patients may call ahead at 204-940-2084 to find out about wait times and availability.

Note: no narcotics, benzodiazepines or opioids are prescribed in Walk-in or are stored on site.

Winnipeg Child and Family Services

  • Partners with the community to provide supportive and preventative services to families at home.
  • Provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect.
  • Provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care.

Children’s disABILITY Services (Department of Families)

  • Provides supports for children with disabilities in collaboration with families and community resources based on assessment and available resources.
  • Offers services in counseling, information and referral, respite care, child development, supplies and equipment, home modifications, transportation and therapy services.
  • Get more information about Children’s disABILITY Services eligibility and application procedures.

Child Development Program (Department of Families)

Using a family-centered approach, this program is a voluntary; play based pre-school service that works with families to support their child’s development.

The Child Development Program provides early intervention services for children who have a developmental delay or disability. This service helps children develop in five areas: self-help, motor skills, socialization, communication and cognition. Child Development staff work with parents to identify their child’s strengths and goals. Staff teach parents and caregivers ways to help the child develop and learn new skills.

Community Engagement and Development

  • Involves citizens in determining and meeting their own needs and strengthens bonds between people, which creates an increased capacity to work towards common goals.
  • Community Facilitator expertise is available to community groups.
  • Promotes organizational development.
  • Facilitates networking and collaboration among agencies.
  • Provides resources to enable and facilitate local area development.

Community Living disABILITY Services (Department of Families)

  • Residential Services – provides a range of residential and support services (respite) to assist adults with a mental disability to live in their community in the residential option of choice, including a family home, independent living or a residential care facility.
  • Day Services – aims to maximize the independence and productivity of adults with a mental disability by: assisting them in adapting and participating in the province’s workforce, supporting their involvement in the community, and enhancing their personal development. Transportation services are provided to adults who attend an approved funded day program.
  • Get more information about Community Living disABILITY Services eligibility and application procedures.

Community Mental Health

  • Provides case management to persons (18 years of age or older) with a severe and persistent mental health disorder that impairs and limits major life activities; a mental health diagnosis by a physician is required.
  • Services include assessment, planning for service, providing suitable interventions, supportive counseling in regards to reaching life goals, basic needs support, and service co-ordination.
  • Intake for Mental Health: 204-788-8330 (Mondays to Fridays, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm)

Mental Health Team

  • The Mental Health Team is an enhanced, clinically integrated, collaborative team which provides a population based approach to community mental health service delivery within the geographic/integrated area.
  • The Mental Health Team consists of a group of mental health service providers working collaboratively to provide mental health services and system navigation to individuals and families. The goal is to support mental health recovery for all clients.
  • The Team will offer provider consultation and mentoring to help enhance the current practice of West Winnipeg Health and Social Service Providers who are supporting individuals with mental health concerns.

Employment and Income Assistance (Department of Families)

  • EIA provides financial help to Manitobans who have no other way to support themselves or their families. This includes benefits for basic needs and benefits from the Rent Assist program that help with shelter and utility costs, as well as assistance to cover health needs such as prescription medications, optical and dental care.
  • EIA provides assistance to people in receipt of EIA to prepare for and find employment for those who are able to work. Services include developing and supporting mutually agreed-upon action plans for employment, which may include education, training, job readiness programming, and employment retention. EIA counselors work with participants to identify and proceed with success along the most direct route to sustainable employment; work that is enduring and results in financial independence.
  • Income Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (IAPD) provides additional financial benefits to adults enrolled on EIA as a person living with a disability. This financial assistance is provided in recognition of the additional costs for persons with disabilities that are associated with living in the community.
  • Eligibility for assistance is determined if the total cost of an individual or family’s monthly basic needs and housing costs are more than total financial resources. Financial resources are based on income and assets. Some income and assets may not affect eligibility. Offers three other programs designed to assist low income Manitobans who are not enrolled on EIA– Manitoba Child Benefit Program (MCB), Rent Assist and 55 Plus.
  • More information including eligibility and application procedures for EIA.
  • EIA Case Managers use motivational interviewing to help participants identify barriers to employment and engage in long term planning. They deliver comprehensive case management that includes assessing needs, service planning, and delivery.

Home Care – Assinboine South and St. James-Assiniboia

Staff includes Case Coordinators, Resource Coordinators, Scheduling Clerks, Direct Service Staff, and Nursing:

  • Provides essential supports to people who require health services or assistance with daily living.
  • Provides care to people of all ages.
  • Promotes care, management of health issues and facilitation of hospital discharges to assist people to live as independently as possible.
  • Provides alternatives to personal care and long term facilities.
  • Central Intake at 204-788-8330.

Population and Public Health Program

Population and Public Health works with you, your family, communities and partners. We work with all to promote health, prevent disease and injury, as well as to create healthy places and relationships within the context of peoples’ lives. Our goal is to educate, advocate and work with people and communities to reduce health disparities to improve and enhance everyone’s health.

Our service areas include:

  • Working with individuals, families and communities in promoting health and preventing disease.
  • Healthy Parenting & Early Childhood Development, including providing the Families First Home Visiting Program.
  • Partner with Healthy Child Manitoba in supporting Healthy Baby programming, also known as Great Expectations.
  • Communicable Disease Management:
    • Immunization Campaigns
    • Influenza Immunizations
    • School-based immunizations
  • Outreach Clinics:
    • Community Development Initiatives.
    • Nurturing Healthy Children & Youth.
    • Linking to Mental Health Promotion Education/Resources.
    • Providing Injury Prevention Education/Resources.
    • Providing Nutrition and Dietetic Education/Resources.
    • Providing Tobacco Reduction and Substance Use Education/Resources

For more information pertaining to Public Health services: 204-940-2040.

Access Winnipeg West Primary Care Clinic

For information regarding COVID-19 or to determine if you should be tested, please call Health Links at 204-788-8200.

EDUCATION CLASSES: All classes are postponed until further notice.

Please note if you are a current patient of AWW, all appointments are being booked by phone.

For the most up to date COVID-19 information, please Click Here

If you have an appointment coming up, a provider will call you to assess and offer appropriate solutions that meet your care needs.

If you are in need of a medication refill, please contact your pharmacy and request that they fax a refill request to our office.

ACCESS Winnipeg West Walk-In Connected Care Clinic
Hours of operation:
Monday: 0900-1900
Tuesday: 0900-1900
Wednesday: 0900-1900
Thursday: 0900-1900
Friday: 0900-1900
Weekends & Holidays: 0900-1600

*If you were told to self-isolate please follow the instructions closely that have been given to you.

For more information on self-isolation, please Click Here.

  • WRHA Primary Care sites, including Access Winnipeg West Primary Care, will prioritize patients who experience complex health issues and barriers to service that can be best supported through the coordinated services of an interdisciplinary team.
  • Primary Care is the provision of integrated, accessible health care services by clinicians who are addressing a large majority of personal health care needs, developing a sustainable partnership with clients, and practicing in the context of family and community.
  • The Access Winnipeg West Primary Care team will consist of many disciplines including Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Primary Care Nurses, a Dietitian, Clinical Psychologist, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Pharmacist, Mental Health Counsellor, and Midwives.
  • Prioritized patients will reside in our community areas (Assiniboine South, St. James Assiniboia and Headingley) and must not already have access to a regular Primary Care/Family Provider (Physician or Nurse Practitioner).
  • The Access Winnipeg West Primary Care Clinic may also consider any patients who don’t have a primary care provider and have recently been discharged from Hospital or are frequent visitors to hospital emergency departments.
  • Residents who live within catchment who already have a Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner may be eligible to be seen by other members of the team including Dietitian, Occupational Therapist or Clinical Psychologist.
  • Residents within Winnipeg West or Headingley who are looking for a Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner are encouraged to register with the Family Doctor Finders at 204-786-7111 or register online.

For more information, please contact the clinic directly at 204-940-8724.

Access Winnipeg West – Clinical Psychologist

This position will provide a wide range of psychological services to the programs of AWW, 3 days per week.

This position may provide:

  • Consultation to the teams of AWW regarding clinical case management, program development, and professional development.
  • Informal consultation for individual service providers as well as group training can be provided as needed.
  • Direct service to clients of AWW including cognitive assessments, psycho-diagnostic assessments, psycho-educational seminars, group therapy and brief client consultations.

Referrals are only accepted from AWW Primary Care and Winnipeg West Mental Health Team. If there are questions – please contact the Primary Care Clinic at 204-940-8724 and your call will be directed accordingly.

Access Winnipeg West – Primary Care Dietitian

The Registered Dietitian provides nutritional counseling services 5 days per week from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for clients of any age who live within the Winnipeg West catchment area.

  • Individuals may be referred by any health provider, their families or by self-referral.
  • The Registered Dietitian provides nutrition assessment, education, self-management education, and behaviour change counselling to clients.

Services include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Chronic disease management, including Diabetes education, Cardiovascular disease, Liver disease, Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and Cancer
  • Healthy eating on a budget.
  • Pediatric nutrition, prenatal nutrition and nutrition during breastfeeding.
  • General healthy eating, mindful eating and lifestyle modification.
  • Assistance and assessment for the EIA Therapeutic Diet and Nutritional Supplement forms.
  • Group education classes.

Program for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT)

PACT teams are multi-disciplinary comprised of mental health professionals including a psychiatrist, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, mental health specialists, addiction specialists and vocational rehabilitation specialists. PACT uses a team approach. Each client has a recovery plan, receives assertive outreach and can expect continuous service over the years, including treatment, rehabilitation, support, and crisis response.

The service is provided to participants in their homes, at work, and in community.

PACT is for individuals with psychotic disorders who have continuous high-service needs indicated by:

  • high use of inpatient psychiatric services
  • frequent use of medical services
  • high use of emergency and crisis services
  • residing in hospital but could live independently with intensive services
  • Central Intake at 204-788-8330 (Monday to Fridays, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm)

Speech-Language Pathology


  • Pediatric speech-language pathologists assess the communication skills of preschool children and develop individualized service plans to meet the needs of the child and his/her family.
  • Length, frequency and type of intervention vary among children and are available until the child enters kindergarten. Treatment focuses on teaching care provider’s fun and interactive techniques to improve the child’s communication skills and help the child develop to his/her full potential.
  • To access pediatric speech-language pathology services at AWW, please call Central Intake at 204-258-6550.


  • The Adult Speech-Language Pathologist offers screening, evaluation, treatment, and consultative services for adults with communication, swallowing and cognitive difficulty resulting from acquired neurological conditions (e.g., stroke, brain injury, etc.).
  • Contact the Speech-Language Pathologist directly at 204-940-3168 with any questions.
  • To refer to adult speech-language pathology services at AWW, please call Central Intake at 204-831-2526.


  • Hearing assessments are provided for individuals of all ages.
  • Services for children under 18 years of age also include (re) habilitation services for children identified with hearing loss (e.g., fitting of hearing aids).
  • To access audiology services for children, please call Central Intake at 204-258-6550.

Healthy Aging Resource Team (located off site at 203 Duffield St)

  • The team includes a Primary Health Care Social Worker and Registered Dietitians.
  • Provides services for older adults aged 55 years or older residing in the St. James-Assiniboia and Assiniboine South community areas.
  • Provide education and information for injury and chronic disease prevention and management. Focus is on maintaining and/or improving health.
  • Assist clients find resources and health services.
  • Referrals and self-referrals are welcome.

For more information, please contact 204-940-3261.