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Maps, Directions & Parking


The main parking lot is located right in front of Grace Hospital. Hourly, daily, weekly and monthly rates are available.

Bring your parking stub into the hospital to pay when you leave. Two parking pay stations are available, and are located in the Main Lobby and Emergency Department entrance.

For weekly and monthly parking, please go to the Switchboard. Metered and handicap parking are available in various locations.

For those visiting the Dorothy Wood Building, separate parking is available (exit off Booth Drive), with the pay station location in the lobby of that building.

Transit Bus Information

The city bus stops on Pearl McGonigal Way, right in front of Grace Hospital.

  • Eastbound Bus Routes – 82, 83, 98
  • Westbound Bus Routes – 11 & 21, 83

Please consult the Winnipeg Transit website or call Telebus (204-287-7433) for detailed schedule information.

Taxi Service

A free direct line to various local taxi and Transit-Plus (Handi-Transit) services is located in the Emergency Department.

Getting Around at The Grace

  • Driving Directions

    View Grace Hospital in the map above for driving directions.

  • Maps

    Please consult the blue directional signage located throughout the hospital for help in locating various areas and departments.

Overview                        Level 1 / Main Entrance               Lower Level / Ground Floor

External map of Grace Hospital which includes where the main entrance, emergency entrance and parking are located.
Map of level one, also known as the main level, of Grace Hospital
Map of ground floor, also known as the basement floor, of Grace Hospital

Transit-Plus (Handi-Transit)

  • For admissions to the hospital, please instruct Handi-Transit to drop you off at the Admitting Entrance.
    For visits to the Vascular Clinic, please instruct Handi-Transit to drop you off at the Dorothy Wood Building (off Booth Drive, north past the main entry to the hospital from Pearl McGonigal Way).
  • Volunteer Greeter

    During the day you will find a member of the Grace Hospital Auxiliary on duty in the main lobby to help you navigate the facility, and to answer questions.

  • Wheelchairs

    Wheelchairs and Staxi-Chairs are available in the Emergency Department, main lobby and Dorothy Wood Building for people in need of assistance.