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Relocation Assistance

The “Come Home to Manitoba” campaign was established to support recruitment of nurses to Manitoba, offering relocation assistance, up to $5,000 for nurses who come to this province to work.

In order to qualify for relocation assistance, the applicant will require:

Confirmed Full or Part time employment (minimum .6 EFT) in an approved permanent, or term nursing position of at least one-year duration. Casual positions are not eligible.

Confirmed nursing position as a direct caregiver or first level nursing manager with an approved employer in Manitoba.

Evidence of licensure with applicable nursing college.

Applicants are required to have successfully passed their Canadian licensing exams, and must provide evidence of registration as an active practicing Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse or Registered Psychiatric Nurse prior to being approved for Relocation Assistance.

Applicants must agree to work in a nursing position in Manitoba for a minimum of one year.

Applicants must apply for funding within one year of moving to Manitoba.

Applicants returning to Manitoba must have resided outside of the province for a minimum of one year.

Upon approval of the application, relocation assistance is calculated utilizing a formula that includes a base amount, mileage, and number of individuals moving.


Relocation Grant Application Form

Relocation Grant – Policy

Employer Verification of Incomplete Service Agreement