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Students and New Graduates

Health Careers Manitoba

Please visit for information and support tools for anyone interested in pursing a career in health care in Manitoba. Programs and opportunities include:

  • Home for the Summer Program
  • Initiatives
  • Manitoba Wants you Back Program
  • Regional Bus Tours
  • Rural Week for Medical Students

Mentorship Program

Undergraduate Nurse Employee (UNE)

Get a head start on your Career in Caring. Become an Undergraduate Nurse Employee!

Apply your education and knowledge, and work alongside health care teams in a medical, surgical or mental health setting. Undergraduate Nurse Employees (UNE) work under the supervision of Registered Nurses (RN) or Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN) and are an important new addition to Manitoba’s diverse, collaborative and supportive healthcare teams.

As a UNE you will care for patients, gain valuable experience, and log working hours that will give you an advantage when applying for jobs after you graduate.

Visit for more information on the UNE Program or to apply.