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How to Apply

Thank you for expressing interest in our Volunteer Program.

Volunteers must be prepared to contribute a minimum of 30 hours of service over a minimum of a three (3) month period. The minimum age to volunteer is 16 years.

What to expect when you apply to become a Grace Hospital Volunteer

Step 1 – Applying

Applying to volunteer is much like applying for a job. We take many factors into consideration before accepting volunteers to assist at the Grace. Because we take our responsibility for patients/residents seriously, we screen all applicants thoroughly. Completing our application as thoroughly as possible will help us assess your suitability for volunteering in a health care environment.

If you are under 18 years of age, you must complete the Volunteer Application Form which requires Parental/Guardian Consent. This application form can be found online or by calling our office at 204-837-0369.

Step 2 – The Interview

When we are in need of more volunteers, a Volunteer Resources staff member will call you to arrange a date and time for an interview. The interview process takes 15-20 minutes.

Step 3 – Screening

After your interview, a Volunteer Resources staff member will contact your references.

All volunteer applicants over the age of 18 will be asked to provide a satisfactory Criminal Record Check, Adult Abuse Registry Check & Child Abuse Registry Check.

Step 4 – The Offer

If a successful match is made between your skills and abilities and an available position, Volunteer Resources staff will offer you a volunteer position. If you decide to accept the offer, a start date will be determined.

If you are a student getting credit hours for your volunteering, it is your responsibility to track your hours to ensure you are meeting your school’s hour requirements.

Step 5 – Training & Orientation

On your first day, your immediate placement supervisor will provide you with a volunteer identification badge, a general orientation to the office/site where you will be volunteering. You will then receive specific training for your volunteer position.

You are now ready to begin volunteering!

Thank you for your interest!

To begin the volunteer induction process, please click on one of the appropriate links below:

We no longer accept fax applications.

In Person

Drop off your volunteer application at our department located in room M106 on the Main floor of the Grace Hospital.

Our office is open Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 3:45 pm. We are closed all statutory holidays.