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Summer Youth Program

Youth Volunteers bring a sense of enthusiasm and community while contributing to the Hospital. Volunteering at Grace Hospital is a great way for youth volunteers to develop work and people skills while giving back and learning about the healthcare system. Youth volunteers can volunteer in a variety of hospital settings.

Grace Hospital Youth Volunteer Program introduces young people to a hospital setting. Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. Our summer program runs every July until the Friday before September long weekend. Youth volunteers are encouraged to apply by early March for a summer placement. We ask that they are able to commit to one shift per week, for two or four hours per shift, until the last week of August. If interested, students can continue their placements during Spring and Winter breaks.

If you are interested in making a difference by volunteering in healthcare, please complete a volunteer application.

Apply on-line or download an application.

Benefits of volunteering

  • Gaining experience in a hospital setting to enhance your resume
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Reference for job applications
  • Record of hours for high school credits
  • Complimentary meals and parking
  • Meet new people

What is the Process to Become a Youth Volunteer?

The process to become part of the Summer Youth Program at Grace Hospital is very similar to that of a job:

  1. Submit your completed application to the Volunteer Resources Department or apply on-line.
  2. Once we start holding interviews for the Summer Youth Program you will be contacted for an interview. Interviews take place between March and April annually.
  3. Following the interview, provided references will be contacted.
  4. Once your references have been completed, we will schedule a volunteer orientation with you. Orientations for the Summer Youth Program are held in June.
  5. Once you have completed the orientation, you will be given a date to attend volunteer training. All volunteers receive training until they feel comfortable completing the tasks on their own.