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Patient at Grace Hospital

Your Health Care Team

We consider our care team the finest in the city. From physicians, nurses and allied health professionals, to our dietary, housekeeping and maintenance staff, everyone working at Grace Hospital has your best interests and your good health at heart. The needs of each patient are different, and you will interact with various members of the team based on your specific needs.

Your team may consist of:

  • Clinical Dietitians
  • Diagnostic Specialists
  • Home Care Coordinators
  • Indigenous Health Services Staff
  • Learners
  • Nurses
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Patient Relations Officer
  • Pharmacists
  • Physicians
  • Physiotherapists
  • Psychologists
  • Respiratory Therapists
  • Social Workers
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Spiritual Care Providers
  • Support Staff
  • Volunteers

Learners as Part of Your Health Care Team

Grace Hospital has a long and valued tradition of providing a supportive and successful learning experience for students in many health disciplines. Recently, we have undertaken a larger role in the education of physicians both when they are still students and also when they are training in their medical specialties. We also offer interprofessional student placements where learners from different professions have the opportunity to learn about, from and with each other, to foster collaboration and enhance quality of care.

We are proud to have this opportunity. We also know that these talented and compassionate learners, in all disciplines, will improve your health care experience directly, through their interactions with you personally, and indirectly, through the energy and enthusiasm they bring to us and our work.

When they introduce themselves to you, be sure to ask them about their training and role in your care. It is a privilege for them, like us, to be a part of your health care team!