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Hip & Knee Replacement Surgery

Did you know that people who are prepared for surgery have better hospital experiences, fewer complications and a smoother recovery?

Hip and Knee Resource Centre

Your education regarding Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery can start before you meet with your surgeon. The Hip and Knee Resource Centre offers an education class, “Considering Joint Replacement Surgery”, which provides information on the non-surgical treatment options for arthritis, and helps you prepare for your consult visit with the surgeon. Once you decide to proceed with surgery and have been placed on the waitlist, there are more classes available to ensure your specific education needs are met before surgery. These classes include:

  • The Knee Replacement Class
  • The Hip Replacement Class
  • Nutrition and Exercise Classes
  • Pain Management Class
  • Before Your Surgery Preparation Class

You should receive a pamphlet outlining these classes and available dates when you are provided with your assigned surgeon. All classes provided through the Hip and Knee Resource Center are free of charge.

Visit the Hip and Knee Resource Centre, or call 204-926-1221 to learn more about it’s services.

Prehabilitation Clinic

The Prehabilitation (Prehab) Program is a health care program to improve your health and daily functioning while you prepare for your hip or knee joint replacement surgery. This program requires a specific referral from your orthopedic surgeon. You may have the opportunity to be seen by a Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Dietitian, Nurse and/or Social Worker.

Visit Prehabilitation Services to learn more.

Surgical Journey

Please view any or all of the videos below.

  1. Hip Replacement Surgery
  2. Knee Replacement Surgery
  3. Getting Ready for a Hip or Knee Replacement (WRHA Surgery Program)
  4. Managing Arthritis Pain with Medication (WRHA Surgery Program)