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Indigenous Health

Interpretation services, advocates, discharge planners and spiritual / cultural care are a few of the services offered through Indigenous Health within the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

For more information, call 204-940-8880 or visit

The Indigenous Health office is located on the Ground Floor (near Cancer Care) in rooms G-064 and G-070. Office hours are 8:30 – 4:45pm, Monday to Friday.

Monthly Smudge Ceremonies

In collaboration with the Spiritual Health Department, all staff, patients, and visitors are welcome to attend a monthly smudging ceremony in the Grace Sanctuary. Everyone is welcome to participate in their own way. No pre-registration is required. Each monthly ceremony will begin at 11 am.

To view the scheduled dates, please view the Smudge Ceremony area on the Spiritual Health Services page.

Smudging is an Indigenous tradition which involves the burning of sweet grass, sage and/or cedar. Sage smudge produces a very strong and distinct aroma but the smoke associated with it is minimal and lasts a very short time. Sweet grass has a very mild aroma and produces even less smoke than sage. A smudge is burned primarily for purification and to help to create a positive mind set. Tobacco is used in pipe ceremonies by pipe carriers.

The Tobacco Control Act allows for the ceremonial use of tobacco.

People with health conditions may be impacted by some of the scents produced during these ceremonies.