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Questions, Concerns & Feedback

Your good health is our priority. As the patient, you have every right to ask questions about your care, and share your concerns with us.

For questions / concerns, here’s the process:

  1. Speak with any member of your health care team. They’re here to help!
  2. If they can’t answer your questions they will connect you with the person who can.

If you want further information:

  1. Ask to speak with the Clinical Manager. On evenings and weekends, ask for the Facility Patient Care Manager.
  2. For issues that cannot be resolved with the Clinical Manager:
  3. Speak with the Patient Relations Officer. They are an advocate for patients and families. Call internal extension #70318, or externally at 204-837-0318.
  4. If you are unsatisfied with Grace Hospital’s response you are welcome to call the WRHA Complaints Line at 204-926-7825.