Spiritual Health Services
As a department, we ensure the spiritual and religious dimensions of health and healing are provided in the context of a holistic, patient-focused model of care. In addition to patients, our services are available to family, staff and volunteers.
Spiritual Health Services include:
- Assistance in working through ethical and moral dilemmas
- Bereavement care
- Crisis intervention
- End of life issues
- Grief and loss care
- Memorial services
- Multi-faith availability – to assist patients in making contact with their own faith background
- Regular visitation by referral or request.
Roman Catholic Services
Volunteers offer communion every Thursday morning to all patients listed as Roman Catholic. The site maintains a list of formal leaders authorized by a Parish to attend the hospital to perform the Sacrament of the Sick (formerly known as the Last Rites) as well as the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Confession) from roughly 0700 hours to 2300 hours, usually for Roman Catholic patients who are imminently dying. After hours please contact the Facility Patient Care Manager to access these services.
Department Availability and Location
Spiritual Health Practitioners are available Monday – Friday (0830-2000 hours), weekends (0830 – 1630 hours) and statutory holidays (0830 – 1630 hours).
Please call the Department directly at 204-837-0105. The Admin Support line is 204-837-0210. If urgent, please page overhead through Switchboard.
The Spiritual Health Services Department is located on the ground floor in G-281 beside the main elevators. Please call ahead to ensure someone is present in the office before attending.
The Grace Sanctuary
The Grace Sanctuary, located on the ground floor of the hospital (room G-241), was designed in collaboration with the Spiritual Health Services staff, and was created to serve as a multi-denominational space. Dimmer switches for the lights allow for the brightness of the room to be adjusted and a volume control for the calming music is accessible on the wall. The seating provides comfort, and can be easily re-arranged within the room as needed.

Smudging Ceremonies
In collaboration with Indigenous Health Services, all staff, patients, and visitors are welcome to attend a monthly smudging ceremony in the Grace Sanctuary. Everyone is welcome to participate in their own way. No pre-registration is required. Each monthly ceremony will begin at 11 am.
- March 26, 2024
Smudging is an Indigenous tradition which involves the burning of sweet grass, sage and/or cedar. Sage smudge produces a very strong and distinct aroma but the smoke associated with it is minimal and lasts a very short time. Sweet grass has a very mild aroma and produces even less smoke than sage. A smudge is burned primarily for purification and to help to create a positive mind set. Tobacco is used in pipe ceremonies by pipe carriers.
The Tobacco Control Act allows for the ceremonial use of tobacco.
People with health conditions may be impacted by some of the scents produced during these ceremonies.