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While You are in the Hospital

Consent to Treatment / Informed Consent

At Grace Hospital, we respect the decisions and choices you make about your care. You may be asked to sign a consent form for specific procedures and or surgeries. Before signing, you should have all the information and a full understanding of the situation.

If you do have questions, please consult with your physician. The decision to accept or refuse treatment is yours.

Health Care Directive

A Health Care Directive is a personal care document that describes your wishes for your care, in the event that you are unable to make those wishes known. If you have such a document, please advise our staff when you are admitted.

For more information on Health Care Directives, please ask your health care provider. Patients may also be asked to participate in discussions about Advanced Care Planning – Goals of Care.

Health Care Information

Ask your nurse for information about your care, including relevant brochures and pamphlets.

  • The television in your room also offers a patient education channel free of charge.


At Grace Hospital we provide respectful and compassionate care. We recognize that wait times and other circumstances can be a source of frustration. We ask for your patience, and promise to do everything we can to assure that your needs are addressed as quickly as possible. You can expect respect and courtesy from our staff, and we request the same from you.

Abusive behaviour toward staff, patients and visitors is not permitted at Grace Hospital.

Infection Prevention and Control

Handwashing is the single most important way to prevent the spread of infections. Staff at Grace Hospital use practices to prevent the spread of infection. To protect our patients and visitors we ask that all visitors wash their hands before they enter a patient room and after leaving a patient room. Antimicrobial hand gel dispensers are strategically located in corridors and patient rooms to assist you with this. At times you will see a sign on a patient door that shows precautions that must be observed. This sign indicates that the patient is on isolation and you may need to wear gloves, gowns or a mask to visit.

Please consult with a staff member before entering any room with a precaution sign on the door.

Latex Allergies

It is requested that patients / visitors refrain from bringing latex balloons to Grace Hospital, as many patients, staff and visitors have allergies to latex.

Room Accommodations

In general, patients are admitted to standard room accommodations. A standard room features four patient beds. Semi-private (2 beds) and private (single bed) accommodations are sometimes available. In some instances your private health insurance will cover the cost of semi-private or private accommodations. It is the patient’s responsibility to know what your private health insurance will cover and whether or not maximum amounts of coverage have been reached. All semi-private or private room costs not covered by insurance become the financial obligation of the patient. Please declare your desire for such accommodations when admitted. Proof of insurance and/or a credit card will be required to secure semi-private or private accommodations.

  • Please Note: Semi-private and private accommodations are subject to availability and within infection control practices.
  • Further Note: Occasionally, you may be required to vacate semi-private or private accommodations due to special circumstances, such as quarantines, or to accommodate the needs of critically ill patients.
  • Further Note: Standard semi-private room accommodations are often co-ed. Each separate bed has a privacy curtain.

Transfer to Another Hospital or Health Care Facility

At times you may need to be transferred to another hospital for special tests or procedures, or to accommodate your recovery or long-term care needs. Such transfers will be coordinated by your health care team, who will keep you fully informed of the process.

  • Please note: Certain transfers may not be covered under your Manitoba Health coverage.

Valuables & Personal Belongings

Grace Hospital is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged patient valuables or personal belongings. We recommend that you do not bring valuable or irreplaceable personal belongings with you for your stay (please consult our list of recommendations of what to bring and what not to bring in the “Preparing for Your Stay” section of this guide). We further recommend that you not bring large amounts of cash. You may want to keep a small amount of cash on hand (less than $20) for small purchases such as newspapers, magazines, etc.

You are responsible for the safekeeping of your personal belongings during your stay. We recommend that you clearly label all necessary belongings such as eyeglasses and dental appliance containers. If you bring clothing such as robes and pajamas, please assure that they are labeled as well.

Grace Hospital is not responsible for laundering personal linens.


If you have been admitted with large amounts of cash or other major valuables, and cannot send them home with family or friends, we can hold them for safekeeping in our Cashier Office.

Please talk to a member of your health care team about having your valuables placed in safekeeping.

Lost & Found

Found items can be submitted to the Inquiry Desk located in the Admitting area. To inquire about lost items please call Security at 204-837-0366 (ext. 70366 within the hospital).

If you do lose something, please also tell your health care provider.

Television Service

Televisions are provided in most patient and visitor lounges. Television service in your room is provided by SelectVu Patient Entertainment, and is available at a cost. For the comfort of other guests, headphones are strongly recommended and can be purchased through SelectVu for $3.50. They will be delivered to your bedside. Or you can purchase headphones directly from the Grace Hospital Gift Shop on the main floor of the hospital.

For more information on renting a television during your stay, please call 204-787-7905.

Postal Service

Volunteers deliver in-hospital mail to all departments and post mail for patients. You can ask a volunteer to help you write a letter or read cards and letters you receive.

A Canada Post drop box is located in the main lobby.

Fire Safety

Fire safety is an important concern. Staff are well-trained in fire safety protocol, and will assist you in the event of an emergency. Fire drills are held regularly. During a fire alarm staff will close your door. If you are in another area of the hospital, please remain there until the “all clear” is announced.

Visitors should remain at the bedside with you during a fire alarm.

Cell Phones & Other Wireless Communication Devices

The use of cellular phones and other wireless devices is permitted in Grace Hospital, except where indicated. For the comfort of patients and other guests, the use of headphones is strongly encouraged.


In accordance with City of Winnipeg Outdoor Smoking By-Law No. 62/2011 and WRHA policy, Grace Hospital is a smoke free facility.

Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the property of Grace Hospital, including all entryways, grounds and parking areas.

Services Provided by Volunteers

The selfless and dedicated Grace Volunteers complete various no-charge services to help make a patients’ stay more comfortable:

  • The Book Cart: Volunteers visit hospital rooms to offer reading material to patients. Books included in the selection have been donated by the community.
  • Friendly Visitors: Spend some one-to-one time visiting with a caring volunteer during your stay. A friendly face and positive interaction can make a huge difference with your day. Activities may include telling stories, reminiscing, playing games, or admiring artwork.
  • Art at the Bedside: An exciting program which offers art projects for everyone – these activities help pass the time of your hospital stay, reduces stress and anxiety, and supports healing. This program is open to all interested patients and families. 

Ask your nurse to connect you to the Volunteer Resources Department, or phone 204-837-0369, if you are interested in any of these services. 

Grace Gift Shop

The gift shop offers a variety of items for patients and visitors which can be purchased over the telephone and delivered to patient rooms. For more information, visit the Gift Shop page, or call 204-837-0101. 


Newspapers are available for purchase in the Gift Shop and in newspaper boxes located outside of the main front entrance.

WRHA Virtual Library

Library services are provided by the University of Manitoba library at the Health Sciences Centre.

For more information, contact or 204-789-3836 or [email protected].